
This is a physical attendance course taking place on 29/7/17 - 30/7/17.

Please arrive by 9.30am to the Institute of Clinically Applied Hijama Therapy Lecture Hall (first Floor) 83-85 Rolleston Street, Leicester LE5 0SD.

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wa barkatu,

On behalf of our ICAHT, I would like to seize this opportunity to thank you for choosing to study Advanced CPD Cupping Workshop with us. This course has been carefully designed over a long period of time with vast input from various health professionals and hijama therapists to ensure that you learn to incorporate advanced cupping techniques into your practice. I trust that you will find this course a life-changing experience; just as practising hijama has been for many of us. I am pleased to have you join us in our journey towards understanding and utilizing this effective method of treatment to improve the health of our community and society at large.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Rizwhan Suleman (ICAHT Director)

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